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Tout pour le grain

The company

Tout Pour Le Grain (TPLG) was founded in 1959 with the agricultural modernisation. We are designing machinery for the handling and storage of cereals to store grain in optimal conditions, both for farmers and cooperative storage sites.

In the mid 1970s, TPLG designed Europe’s first automatic grain sampler, which evolved into a fully automated system in the 1980s. At TPLG, with the 21st century, we adopted a new strategy based on an assertive R&D policy by strengthening its engineering team dedicated to sampling.

Our branding is acknowledged in becoming a major player in the French market for the handling and storage of cereals and one of the world’s innovative company in the industry, thus contributing to the grain standards for sampling.

Tout Pour Le Grain is continually moving forward in creating solutions answering our customer’s needs. This is one of our core values and commitments. Our teams strive every day to meet your needs.

How to contact us
Silo à grain - TPLG

Creation of the TPLG company

Agriculture is getting intensive.
Start of bulk reception of cereals.
TPLG begins the installation of all grain storage and handling equipment. Activities continuing today.



was launched. It marks a new stage in the development of TPLG with the design and marketing of the first automatic grain sampler in Western Europe.



Sampler driven by electro-mechanical energy


SERIE 4000

A new generation of sampler, the 4000 series, more flexible & more efficient. First Cobra was launched as a breakthrough innovation.



external growth with HAMEL France Acquisition.

Our landmarks

"TPLG / Storage & Handling / Sampling"

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TPLG is also and above all a foolproof expertise. Always good advice, our Bureau d'Etudes experts imagine your products of tomorrow and respond to your problems today.

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Our corporate values are a priority for us. At TPLG, our sales department is dedicated, but also through our network of approved distributors chosen for their local expertise. All together, we analyse your project, provide tailor-made support and responsiveness to be as close as possible to your needs.

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Our expertise, our products and our customer service are part of an unrivalled quality approach. Quality based on our experience and the reliability of our products and services.

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From our suppliers to our most loyal customers, TPLG relies on a family experience of 60 years in this business. Our commercial relationship is constantly evolving to provide you with a fair solution, in complete transparency.